
Sit & Soak (Sitz Bath)

The Sit & Soak is Polymedic's own freestanding Sitz Bath. 


Sitz Bath

About a Sitz Bath

A Sitz Bath (also called a hip bath) is a type of bath in which only the hips and buttocks are soaked in water or saline solution. Its name comes from the German verb "sitzen," meaning "to sit."


Purpose of a Sitz Bath

A Sitz Bath is used for patients who have had surgery in the area of the rectum, or to ease the pain of hemorrhoids, uterine cramps, prostate infections, painful ovaries, and/or testicles. It is also used to ease discomfort from infections of the bladder, prostate, or vagina. Inflammatory bowel diseases are also treated with Sitz Baths.

The Sit & Soak (Sitz Bath) must be thoroughly cleaned after each use.


Polymedic's Sitz Bath - The Sit & Soak

Weight tested to 120kg the Sit & Soak allows for comfortable bathing in an upright position,

The Sit & Soak is made in Australia and carries a 3 year warranty. Like all of our products, our Sitz Bath is backed by tremendous after sales service delivered by a quality assured company.


Sit & Soak (Sitz Bath) Specifications:

Height: 560mm

Width: 580mm

Depth: 610mm

Weight: 6.5kg





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